About Weldon's Practical Needlework

From Interweave Press:

About 1885, Weldon’s began publishing a series of fourteen-page monthly newsletters, available by subscription, each title featuring patterns and instructions for projects using a single technique.

About 1888, the company began to publish Weldon’s Practical Needlework, each volume of which consisted of twelve issues (one year) of several newsletters bound together with a cloth cover.

Each volume contains hundreds of projects, illustrations, information on little-known techniques, glimpses of fashion as it was at the turn of the twentieth century, and brief histories of needlework. Other techniques treated include making objects from crinkled paper, tatting, netting, beading, patchwork, crewelwork, appliqué, cross-stitch, canvaswork, ivory embroidery, torchon lace, and much more.

From 1999 through 2005, Interweave published facsimiles of the first twelve volumes of Weldon’s Practical Needlework.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

A Nice Lace Border

My friend Kathleen Cubley posted the instructions for this "VanDyke Border" over on the Knitting Daily Blog.  It's from one of the Weldon's Practical Knitter issues.

Several readers had a bit of trouble knitting it and Kathleen asked me to double check the instructions for accuracy.  As I told her, never doubt Weldon's :-)  The instructions are just about always dead-on in my experience.

I verified that the written instructions are correct, and provided Kathleen with a little chart to share with her readers.  If she decides not to provide the chart, I'll make it available here.

Kudos to Piecework for making the Weldon's patterns available to today's knitters!  And now that I've knit a lace border, that helped me decide that I'd like to knit more of them, so that will be Project #22.

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